2023 nearly over and here’s some highlights.
2023 has been a fantastic year for art lovers and we hope you have enjoyed at least some of our content but…… some special mentions needed.
Starting with @shem_ahl thank you for in trusting us with publishing your first ever print release. What a hoot it was and sold out in just 20 minutes with the lovely guys over @pfg242
For the first time we exhibited @roysartfair bringing Obsessed Art Artists Installations to the fair with huge success. Thanks to @ds__art @_blokone @prestonpaperboy @hannah.shillito @houseoflucyart @shem_ahl and #kitson your contributions were fantastic.
Thanks to @avant.arte for being some awesome releases and always reposting our stories. Also @aiww vase which sits proudly in the studio.
@damienhirst and @heni need a mention those guys in Lexington street are so lovely and Damien what a year we really enjoyed what your brought to 2023.
A mention for @10foot10foot10foot10foot we think 2024 is going to be big for you guys and thanks for the heads up with those lovely canvases from @monikerprojects and the maps 😘
@takashipom flowers release in the summer saw our first chance to bag a print on release aster many failed attempts 😇
The best exhibition of 2023 has to go@to @banksy exhibiting @glasgowgoma saw 20 years of card labour put up on display for us all to see. We visited 3 times and enjoyed every minute always seeing more. Big thanks and those guys @glasgowgoma were so lovely 😍
Last but no means least is a shout out to @teenage_cancer trust we was proud to curate their first ever art auction including 23 items and raising thousands of pounds for this amazing charity. We look forward to working with you next year.
That’s a wrap, best wishes to everyone for 2024 we will see you in the other side 💋